Home Happy Birthday Wishes Birthday quotes with Birthday quotes images

Birthday quotes with Birthday quotes images


Birthday quotes & Birthday Quotes Images: This article is for those who want amazing high-resolution HD images for birthday wishes and birthday quotes. You can use any image from below and share your love and affection to your dear and near ones.

Birthday quotes always bring joys to someone who has a birthday today. A happy birthday wishes can make someone day delightful. So don’t hesitate to wish someone by a beautiful birthday wishes message and images in this birthday with nice and charming quotes.Ā 

Find a birthday quote with humor, sentimentality and celebration rolled into one, like this fantastic quote by Frank Sinatra: “May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” What a charmer, he was. How about some 50th birthday famous quotes by Muhammad Ali? Cassius Clay himself said, “A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.” Other entertainers on this list of birthday quotes include Lucille Ball, Johnny Carson, and George Harrison. Choice words by Shakespeare, Robert Browning, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain are also accounted for, so you can certainly find a funny birthday quote to write inside a card for all your loved ones.

Birthday quotes
Birthday quotes

Famous, Funny Birthday Quotes
Muhammad Ali
“A man who views the world the same at fifty as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life.”

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Greg Evans
“Birthday is a salty word if you’re not a fan of cake and ice cream.”

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Days have passed into years, you have become better with time. May you continue
to become better with each birthday you enjoy.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Happy Birthday
You are very special
And you deserve the best
I wish you a wonderful life
Filled with love and happiness.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

On your Birthday, I wish you a year full of success and glory. With faith, courage, and
dedication, no dream is too big. Keep up with your efforts, staying oblivious to the
results, and you will certainly get what you desire. I wish you a very Happy Birthday.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Days have passed into years, you have become better with time. May you continue
to grow better with each birthday you enjoy.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Wishing you all the great things in life, hope this day will bring you an extra share of
all that makes you happiest.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Wishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with the sunshine
and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes
to come.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Birthdays are filled with yesterdays memories, today-s joys, and tomorrows dreams.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Oscar Wilde
“One should never trust a woman who tells her real age. A woman who would tell one that would tell anything.”

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Mark Twain
“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Happy Birthday, and may all the wishes and dreams you dream today turn to reality.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

A very happy birthday wish to my sweetest friend,
I know our friendship will remain until the end,
My life is good because of you,
I think I am amongst the lucky few,
Having you in my life is great,
Have fun on this special date,
Happy birthday to you!

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Happy Birthday
You are very special
And you deserve the best
I wish you a wonderful life
Filled with love and happiness.

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

As you cut your birthday cake,
It is the time to dance and celebrate,
You are the best friend I could ever ask,
With you, difficulties turn to simple tasks,
Thanks for being there my friend,
May your this birthday be grand,
Wishing you a very happy birthday!

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

It is a special day I know,
There are cakes to cut and candles to blow,
There are balloons to play,
On this lovely day,
But Iā€ā€™d like to wish you the happiest birthday today,
A very happy birthday to my dearest friend!

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

Lots of happiness and joy galore,
You are my only true friend I adore,
Colors of contentment I find in you,
People like you are very few,
You are my true friend forever,
Happy birthday to you!

Birthday Quotes
Birthday Quotes

This day has come again,
Special wishes to a very sweet friend,
Break the rules and change the trend,
This is a true wish from your old friend,
Happy birthday once again,
Happy birthday to you my friend!

Birthday quotes
Birthday quotes

May this birthday start a new turn in your world. May it also bring forth inevitable joy,
happiness and favor your way.

Franklin Adams
“There must be a day or two in a man’s life when he is the precise age for something important.”
“There was a star danced, and under that was I born.”
Robert Frost
“Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty.”
“To me, fair friend, you never can be old. For as you were when first your eye I eyed. Such seems your beauty still.”
Lucy Larcom
“Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come.”

# Birthday quotes for sister:

My life can not be complete if I do not have such an adorable and lovely sister like you. Your birthday is the day on which I though someone come to take all the love of my parents. But by the time I realize that You also take my heart. I love you, dear sister. Happy birthday to you. šŸ™‚

birthday quotes
birthday quotes

# Birthday Quotes for Husband

It’s you who made my life happier that I feel like a queen. I always dream for such a life partner. You are the one upon whom I can keep my faith with close eyes. It’s your birthday. The most important day for you and also for me. In this day I like to wish you Happy Birthday. I love you, honey.

birthday quotes
birthday quotes

# There are lots of stars in the sky. But the most beautiful one is in the earth. Did you know that You are that star! Happy Birthday to you.

birthday quotes
Birthday quotes


# Happy birthday to you. Wish you a jubilant, healthy and prosperous life.

This teddy is for you! Happy Birthday dear ā™„
This teddy is for you! Happy Birthday dear ā™„

# I don’t know what should say on someone birthday. It’s the day to remember that you are growing older, You are gaining knowledge and sadly you have less time left. So count every moment. Live your life happily. Do what you should do and want to do. Happy birthday to you.

Loving Happy Birthday wishes Cards!
Loving Happy Birthday wishes Cards!